Putting Turf Comparison

by Mar 1, 2022Blog

After installing over 100 synthetic putting greens we have experimented with all kinds of different tools, techniques and products in search of the ultimate combination. As a high-level golfer, I know exactly how a golf green should perform in terms of the slope, cup locations, ball speed, ball reaction, etc. I can appreciate that everyone has a unique budget so we offer 3 different price points depending on the type of turf you go with. Here are all the facts you need to make the right choice for your Turf Team putting green:

Option 1: “Other” Putting Surfaces ($)

  • Sometimes comes in a 13’ width, whereas other varieties only come in 15’
  • Different colour options
  • Slightly less expensive than other alternatives
  • Totally suitable for beginner or recreational golfers
  • Manufactured in China
  • The main downside is this product has a tendency to expand/contract on hot sunny days, causing wrinkles in the turf, and you can often visibly see the vertical stitch rows

Option 2: “NP45” from Synthetic Turf International ($$)

  • Comes in a 15’ width
  • Comes in 2 different colours that pair nicely with other STI turf products
  • Mid-price range
  • Suitable for all level golfers
  • Does not expand/contract in the sun to the point it becomes noticeable 
  • Manufactured in the USA
  • This product is most common for smaller residential greens 
  • Ball tends to “wobble” slightly as it loses speed past the hole 
  • On chip shots, the ball releases

Option 3: “NP50” from Synthetic Turf International ($$$)

  • Comes in a 15’ width
  • Comes in 2 different colours that pair nicely with other STI turf products
  • Not in everyone’s budget, about $2 more per square foot over alternatives
  • Preferred putting turf of PGA Tour Players and higher level golfers
  • Does not expand/contract in the sun
  • Manufactured in the USA
  • Works for any type of application (indoor, outdoor, commercial, residential, etc.)
  • Ball holds its line very well even as it loses speed
  • On chip shots, the ball checks up and stops close to where it lands, especially when paired with a shock pad underla
NP50  NP45 Other
Ball Roll: Pure: ball holds its line exceptionally well at any speed Great: ball holds its line well, but tends to “wobble” as the ball slows down Good: ball holds its line well enough for recreational players, not up to standards of a high-level golfer
Ball Speed: Can range from about 10-13 on the stimp meter Can range from about 10-15 on the stimp meter Can range from about 10-15 on the stimp meter
Wrinkles in the sun No No Yes
Infill Required 0.5 lbs/sq foot 1 lb/sq foot 2 lbs/sq foot
Reaction on chip shots: Super realistic: ball checks up with spin on all shots Fairly realistic: ball rolls out more, you need a large green to hold shots with this turf Unrealistic: the ball pretty much lands like concrete and rolls off the green on most shots
Price/Value High Price, Very high value to an avid golfer. Usually for handicaps of 15 or less Mid price range and great bang for your buck. Perfect for the recreational golfer  Slightly lower price but not great performance unless you just want a green for aesthetics
Warranty: Lifetime Prorated Lifetime Prorated 10 Year


In some cases, we may be able to set you up to go view one of our past putting greens so you can “try before you buy”, and make sure it’s the right type of green for you. If you need any further assistance, please reach out to me: info@turfteamlandscaping.com


Here is an example of what can happen when you go for the cheap stuff from overseas:


If you have any further questions about the components of your synthetic golf green, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts! Email info@turfteamlandscaping.com

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