Artificial Grass Ideas For Your Yard

by Jan 28, 2022Blog

When it comes to artificial grass, the possibilities are truly endless. At first, most clients think they just want to replace their old grass with artificial grass until we show them all the options. Here are just a few of those options that can make a big impact on your landscape’s aesthetics and value:

  1. Garden Bed Borders → If your turf area ties in with an existing garden bed, or if we are creating a new one, we always prefer to use some type of edging to define the shape and keep the soil off the turf (this helps to prevent weeds growing on the turf over time as well). Most commonly we use pro edge, as it is the most cost-efficient, looks super clean and never has to be replaced. If you’re looking to add some texture into the transition, a basalt 2-stack garden wall looks excellent as well. Lastly, concrete curb edging looks amazing for curved gardens and nicely complements the curves of a putting green
  2. Stepping Stones → these are recommended for any high-traffic pathways in your yard (ex. from the back door to the garage). Not only do they look great aesthetically, but they also prevent a wear pattern from appearing on the turf over time. There are several options, but our favourite is the irregular “kendo slabs” 
  3. Putting Greens →  regardless of whether or not you’re an avid golfer, everyone loves a backyard putting green and there’s no denying that it boosts the aesthetic appeal and usability of your outdoor space. Few people know that we can actually create replicas of real golf holes (including bunkers, fringe and rough)
  4. Complimentary Landscaping Idea → there are an endless number of elements you can add to enhance your landscape, but here are some of the most popular we see in high-end yards: ponds and water features, landscape lighting, rare trees, decorative rocks and gravels, outdoor firepit and seating area, sculptures, dry creeks, seating area, decorative planters. We get most of our design inspiration from landscape supply showrooms, Pinterest, Instagram and walking around wealthy neighbourhoods!

A picture is worth a thousand words so check out some of our design ideas here: our gallery & catalogue 


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