Artificial Grass with Paving Stones

by Dec 26, 2022Blog

One of our favourite low-maintenance elements to add into any artificial grass project is paving stones. Whether that comes in the form of spaced out stepping stones between the turf, a paving stone patio or a walkway, it gives your yard more functionality and adds another dimension. In recent years, the hardscaping industry as a whole has really elevated in terms of designs, materials and tools. People used to think of paving stones as a boring pattern of bricks, but today it has truly become an art form and we have embraced that here at Turf Team!

The main reason you should consider adding paving stones to your low-maintenance backyard is because they are better suited to take on higher traffic areas (in comparison to artificial grass). The only real limitation to synthetic turf is that it tends to develop a “wear pattern”, in which you can see more wear from the high-traffic areas. For example, if you’re always walking a certain path to get to your car or garage, it would make sense to add stepping stones or a pathway. Similarly for patios, if you are using any kind of outdoor furniture, it will need a more solid base to support the legs of the tables/chairs. Check out the photos on our instagram @turf_team for some inspiration!

Did you know that Turf Team has been installing paving stones and other hardscaping services in Vancouver for over 6 years now? If you’re looking for some help with your upcoming project, please reach out to us by filling out the form on our website. We look forward to connecting with you!

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